Gender Balance Assessment Tool (GBAT)

Published: Aug 26, 2021
Contributor: Jane Sumner

License: CC BY NC ND 4.0 license – Allows redistribution but no additions or revisions to content. Forbids commercial use.

Women are cited less often than men, and are also underrepresented in syllabi. Yet even well-meaning scholars may find that they have difficulty assessing how gender-balanced their bibliographies and syllabi really are. Counting is tedious and prone to human error, and scholars may not know the gender identities of all the authors they cite. This tool aims to help with that, by automating the process of evaluating the (probabilistic) gender of each name and then providing an estimate of what percentage of the authors on a syllabus are women.

For more information, please see:

Sumner, Jane Lawrence. ‘The Gender Balance Assessment Tool (GBAT): a web-based tool for estimating gender balance in syllabi and bibliographies.’ PS: Political Science & Politics 51, no. 2 (2018): 396-400. [linked below]

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