Critical Pedagogy & Identity: Interview 2

What is critical pedagogy? How do political science educators address identity, race, class and sexuality in the classroom? How and what materials do we bring to the political science classroom to encourage students to make connections and see themselves in the world? And, how does our own identity as political science educators influence our decision to teach at certain types of institutions?

To answer these questions, Dr. Julia Jordan-Zachery (University of North Carolina, Charlotte/incoming Wake Forest University), chair of APSA’s Teaching & Learning Policy committee, conducted three interviews with political science faculty. Part two of our series continues with Dr. Julia Jordan-Zachery speaking with Dr. Michelle Deardorff (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga). You can see part one and part three of your series by clicking on the icons to your right.

Michelle D. Deardorff is the Adolph S. Ochs Professor of Government and Department Head of Political Science and Public Service at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). Since earning her Ph.D. from Miami University, Dr. Deardorff’s teaching and research have focused on the constitutional and statutory protections surrounding gender and race, as well as exploring the insights provided by political theory. She particularly enjoys teaching classes and engaging with the public in ways that allow people to apply their understandings of law, politics, and political theory to current events, believing an important role of a university is to foster thoughtful citizens prepared to participate in governing our communities and nation. Michelle attempts to ensure that all of her work in the classroom, on campus, in her research, and with the community advances this larger goal of advancing democracy, meaningful discourse, and equality.

More interviews in this series:


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